Which insurance contracts should be made when renting out a home? It is important to choose the right insurance to keep the risk of unexpected costs as low as possible. The basic principle is that each party is insured for his or her belongings. LandlordBuilding and liability insurance are the two most important insurance contracts for re...
The number of new rental properties added to Dutch housing stock fell 9% last year, when compared with 2020, as the mounting cost of workers and materials lead developers to delay projects, ABN Amro said in a new analysis of the housing market. While most new rental homes were realized in Amsterdam, the total in the capital was just 2,965, while in Utrecht,...
What Is the Penalty for Early Apartment Lease Termination?A fixed-term lease means your tenancy automatically ends when the lease term is up. Until then, you're on the hook for the rent and other payments for the whole duration of the lease. You can leave early if the lease says you can or if you negotiate an early release with the landlord. If you just take...
Het puntensysteem waarmee de huur van een woning wordt vastgesteld, gaat op de schop. Er moeten veel meer woningen onder gaan vallen, zodat mensen met een middeninkomen gemakkelijker aan een betaalbare huurwoning kunnen komen. Het kabinet heeft ingestemd met een voorstel hiertoe van minister De Jonge. Het nieuwe systeem gaat op 1 januari 2024 van start en g...