Documentation for - Bidding procedure

23rd August 2022
Home > News > Documentation for - Bidding procedure

To be able to rent a property through Amsterdam Rentals, a number of allocation criteria apply. The added documentation will be checked and verified. Once all documentation has been approved, your file will be discussed with the owner of the relevant property. The owner then decides whether he agrees to your rental proposal.  Please send all info and documents to: 

When employed:

  • Copy of your passport(s)
  • Employment contract(s)
  • Recent payslips  - (last 2 months - if possible)
  • LinkedIn profile or short profile about yourselves. 
  • present address, email, and mobile nrs.
When self-employed:
  • Copy of your passport(s)
  • A recent extract from the Chamber of Commerce  (KVK)
  • Annual figures
  • Bank statements with salary credit (last 3 months)
  • LinkedIn profile or short profile about yourselves.
  • present address, email and mobile nrs.
When making use of a financial sponsor and being a student/intern:
  • Copy of your passport  (of parent or person that will guarantee) 
  • Signed guarantor declaration
  • Documentation of the guarantor such as for an employed person
  • Proof/registration of study and IDs
  • short profile about yourselves.
  • present address, email, and mobile nrs.

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