About Amsterdam Rentals

The energy label expresses how energy-efficient a home is. The lower the number, the more energy-efficient the living space. About 150 housing characteristics are included for drawing up an energy label. This concerns the properties and dimensions of the floors, walls, windows, panels, doors and roofs. Are you wondering if the house already has an energy lab...
The maximum rent increase is inflation + 1%, or (as of 2023) wage development + 1% when the wage development is lower than the inflation. 2023, the maximum rent increase was 4.1% (3.1% wage development + 1%). In 2024, the maximum rent increase is 5.5% (4.5% inflation + 1%).
Which insurance contracts should be made when renting out a home? It is important to choose the right insurance to keep the risk of unexpected costs as low as possible. The basic principle is that each party is insured for his or her belongings. LandlordBuilding and liability insurance are the two most important insurance contracts for re...
Vorige week is het voorstel voor de Wet Betaalbare Huur officieel ingediend. Door deze wet zullen huurwoningen in het middensegment een vorm van huurprijsbescherming krijgen.Als de wet goedgekeurd wordt door de eerste en tweede kamer zullen de gevolgen ingrijpend zijn voor veel marktpartijen én huurders.Reageer op het wetsvoorstel!Het is...