Vraag hier een waardebepaling van uw huurobject aan

U kunt een waardering van uw huurwoning aanvragen met behulp van Amsterdam Rentals

Om een meer gedetailleerde vergelijkende marktanalyse te geven, zouden we graag uw huurwoning ook persoonlijk beoordelen.
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Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, Value Sherwin Lundall is een zeer bekwame en professionele verhuurmakelaar die goede service en hoge kwaliteit levert. Je woning verhuren of een woning huren, je kunt er van uit gaan dat hij zijn zaken goed heeft geregeld.

Marian Rudolphus

Amsterdam Rentals is the right place to rent a home or to rent out your home. The staff is very kind, helpful and professional. They are willing to answer all your questions. Always friendly and open for any suggestions. Highly recommended

G. Kuhail

Finding the right place in Amsterdam is always difficult, but with Sherwin, I found a perfect apartment for myself and Sherwin always being available for assistance and for helping me out when I need it. I'm fully satisfied with his service.

Davide Cabitza

I and my husband took an apartment for rent with the help of a Real Estate Agent namely Sherwin Lundall. He is excellent at his job and was available all time to answer our queries. He is so generous and we can't thank him enough. We would highly recommend him for the people who are new in-country and looking for an apartment.

Loveleen Singh

Positive: Professionalism, Responsiveness Quality service. Kind and professional.

Pieter Johan Van Der Putt

Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, Value Sherwin was super helpful from the moment I reacted on the property he had till the moment I signed it. We are still in touch if I have any questions and I am very happy with the place and the owner. I will definitely recommend Sherwin for the professionalism in the communication, quick response, and willingness to help!

Iana Siergieieva